Posts filed under ‘Enviroment’

How-To DIY: Natural/Passive Heating & Cooling Part 2

How-To DIY: Natural/Passive Heating & Cooling Part 2

The following how to overview on natural/passive heating and cooling is taken right from a guide I wrote on the subject available at

How to Measure Hot and Cold

To be technically precise, I should mention upfront that the term “cold” has no definition of its own and is a truly false notion in the mind of all humans as well as the English language. The thought that cold is an object or a condition of the state of an object is in fact fake. For example, to say that you are cold is not true at all because cold is only the lack or loss of heat. So then in the strictest sense of the term, you can’t actually be cold, you’re just not warm.

Now most of you will swear that this isn’t right, that you ARE indeed cold, or something IS cold to the touch, especially those of you who hate the ‘cold’. Yet I assure you, all there is is heat. You in fact do have heat in your body when you profess to be cold, though it may be low. So you can’t say you’re cold, but I COULD say you’re warm. The object you’re touching also has heat, so you can’t say it’s cold, but again I could say it’s warm and I could then measure the heat in it with a thermometer, but you could not measure the cold. If you or it truly was cold and did not have any heat, you wouldn’t be alive or be able to touch it without loosing your entire hand.

Let me explain…

We measure and define cold as how much or rather how much an object lacks heat (how fast the atoms are moving) in any given space. For example if it’s 50ºF outside, one may say it’s cold outside, but this isn’t actually true. It’s actually 50ºF warm outside as 50º indicates that there is actually heat in the air, 50º worth. Personally if one really must prove that ‘cold’ does exists, I would say that anything at or below -459.67ºF (-273.15ºC) could be defined as cold, or rather heat is non existent. This is referred to as Absolute 0 or 0º Kelvin and in fact at this temperature there is still minute traces of heat present, however this heat is too small to continue molecular motion. In other words, all things stop at 0ºK. Now That’s Cold!

Humans on the other hand, feel or refer to being hot or cold based on temperate differences up or down from their base body core temperature of 98.7ºF. So if the outside ambient air temp is 99ºF we feel warm, if it’s 97ºF, we feel cool. Now you may say you still feel warm at 97ºF, and you may, but the body doesn’t feel warm, it’s just the mind, a personal preference if you will or it may also be that your clothes are insulating you and actually driving up your body temperature above 98.7ºF, creating a false notion.

You’ll know when the body feels warm or cool, when it initiates or stops the body’s cooling and warming process. This is triggered by any fluctuations of a fraction of a degree up or down from 98.7ºF, causing the speed at which calories are destroyed in order to raise body temperatures or to open sweat glands in the skin releasing water through the pores, cooling the skin down via evaporative cooling (Natural Cooling).

The human body is actually designed for colder temperatures more so then hotter. When ever I mention this fact in seminars, folks residing in cold climates or states that are currently experiencing their winter, rumble and moan, obviously sick of the cold; which is funny in itself… Have you ever noticed that during the winter everyone complains that it’s too cold and that they can’t wait until summer arrives? Then when the hot summer months come, they say it’s too hot and can’t wait until the winter comes. Back and forth back and forth. But to stop from being sidetracked, to prove the above statement is correct, we can conduct a simple verbal experiment:

Since the human body operates most comfortably at 98.7ºF, if a human was placed in say a 10ºF lower air temperature (90ºF) it wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable, some may even say ‘pleasant’, even though it’s ‘colder’ then our core temp.

Now say that same person was placed in 110ºF air temps (10ºF higher), he/she would start feeling very uncomfortable right off the bat.

20º differences? That would be 80ºF on the down side, which is very nice, we actually prefer 80ºF to our own warmer body temperature, which in itself should say something for how the body is designed for cooler temps, but let’s continue anyway…

120ºF on the up side? Not good. Organs inside the body actually start shutting down and we haven’t even gotten started yet.

30º? Which is 70ºF on the down side. Excellent, very comfortable indeed, but at 130ºF on the up side, the water in the body actually starts boiling, slow cooking the meat like a turkey in its own skin. Mmm Yummy!

For the sake of time let’s jump a bit to 50º differences. That would be 50ºF on the down side, a little cool but still not to bad, jacket time for most as opposed to immediate 3rd degree burns at 150ºF on the up side.

We can continue on down to 32ºF on the down side, where the skin experiences no real physical problem exposed in short durations, but on the high side of the spectrum, at 164ºF (65º fluctuations from body temp) the body is really really bad off now if you’re not already dead.

At 0ºF on the low side we can still survive with only 3rd and 4th degree frost bite. At 200ºF on the high side the human would die within seconds of exposure. See below table.

We’ve gone from minimal hot and cold fluctuations of body temperature to 100º differences in this verbal exercise and at each step of the it has been shown that the human body prefers the cold side above the hotter side when compared side by side.

So let’s here no more complaining about 50º temperatures, would you rather be in 150º weather?

So what can we do then naturally, to transform the outside ambient air temperatures to well below 98.7ºF in our home, in order to maintain the same comfort level as our reverse ATM machine (the AC) provides for us?

Actually, we don’t need to do anything. Miraculously enough the earth has already done everything for us, but most westerners don’t incorporate the earth into their homes and ignorantly think it’s crazy to do so. We’re always trying to fix something that isn’t broke and are arrogant enough to think that we know more then the earth or the creator do. For example, digging down just a few feet into the earth, provides temperature differences up or down of 10 degree from the outside ambient air and evaporative cooling accurse everyday all over the planet.

THIS is called passive heating and cooling and if you live in northern United States or Canada where winter temps get down to 0, you’d want to tap into the earths natural thermal warmth by installing a passive heating/cooling system a few meters down, bringing your homes temperature to a nice 70ºF. In Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, where temps average around 100ºF daily, we’d need only to install our passive heating/cooling system a few feet down to get our homes temp to around 70ºF.

Confused Yet?

Heat is transferred in 3 ways:

  1. Conduction, Is similar to radiation, where hot or cold atoms heat or cool other hotter or colder similar atoms, like rock to rock, however, the difference is that the atoms or objects need to be touching.
  2. Radiation, Or thermal radiation is an electromagnetic transfer of energy from one atom to another or one object to another. The 2 objects don’t need to be touching but rather travel on a wave as seen in microwaves, infrared waves or even light waves radiating from a light bulb.
  3. Convection, Is the transfer of heat by moving the heated molecules from one area to another, as seen when replacing cold water with hot water or by replacing the cold air in the room with hot.

Natural heating and cooling works well, because as mentioned in the above example, the soil or dirt reacts not only as an insulator, but as a thermal mass at the same time, continuously moving heat in or out (heating or cooling) in all 3 of the above listed ways.

Imagine an ice chest. The ice chest not only insulates itself, keeping heat or cold inside or outside of itself, but on a delay also absorbs heat and/or cold from the outside and storages it for several days for later use.

In this same way, the earth absorbs and storages the heat from the hottest part of the day and radiates it back out during the coolest part of the night with about a 12 hour delay. So if you were to dig down say a foot into the earth during the hottest hours of the day and measured the temperature with a thermometer, you’d actually be reading the temperature from the coldest hours of the previous night and vise versa.

All that’s left then is to (in its simplest form) turn on a fan and blow the cool air, for example, in during the hottest part of the day, while shutting the fan off at night, letting the earth dissipate its heat into the night sky during the coldest part of the night. In this way we get night time cold air, day and night for natural cooling or day time heat day or night, for natural heating. This process of incorporating the earths natural heating and cooling is called Thermal Mass Heating or Thermal Mass Cooling.

Before we start digging into the earth, designing and building passive systems, let’s discuss where these systems evolved from so we can understand their most basic functions as well as the physics behind them.

Check out the next part of the guide next week.

And don’t forget to pick up a copy Dan Martin’s newest book: Apocalypse, How to Survive a Global Crisis, available in bookstores now.

December 3, 2011 at 2:33 pm Leave a comment

How-To DIY: Natural/Passive Heating & Cooling

How-To DIY: Natural/Passive Heating & Cooling.

The following how to overview on natural/passive heating and cooling is taken right from a guide I wrote on the subject available at

Either you’ve just spent the last months constantly attempting to keep your home warm during the fridged winter months or you’ve battled endlessly trying to keep your home cool in this smoldering unending summer heat.

Or maybe still you’ve spent the last months be it summer or winter nice and comfortable, yet you’re dreading the end of the month when that $2,000.00 utility bill arrives. Either way one or the other is just around the bend and it’s now, once again, time to make the proper preparations to your new or existing home.

Why not stop the loosing battle now! Don’t repeat the endless mistakes of so many millions of Americans by simply adding more fuel to the furnace or burning more energy in that AC this year. Incorporate some form of FREE Natural or Passive Heating and Cooling in your home today!

Natural heating and cooling systems utilize Free passive and Natural methods in order to save YOU money and the planet heartache. In fact, it doesn’t really matter whether you are getting ready for winter or summer, since most of the natural heating and cooling systems I will be showing you how to build in the following chapters, not only protect your home from the upcoming heat, but the same methods will protect your home from the cold weather as well.

We all know that Air conditioners are probably the best method for keeping a home cool.  However we ALL also know that the quality and massive cooling properties of air-conditioning, doesn’t come without its downfalls… COST.

Air-conditioning units, especially central air-conditioners are VERY expensive to buy and install, and even cost more to maintain and run. Actually, most homes in the US don’t even have air-conditioning for this very reason and only a small percentage have central air-conditioning which come with a very large price tag indeed. It costs upwards above $20,000 to install central ACs in homes without existing central air conditioning installed.

Alternatively, folks that can’t afford such extravagant systems opt for window based models which are far cheaper, but lack greatly in their ability to cool large areas and require a much larger supply of electricity, resulting in skyrocketing monthly utility costs. Basically, what’s saved in the purchase and installation costs goes right out the window (literally) in utility bills.

Minisplit air-conditioning systems are a combination of central and window based technologies making a system more economic on the pocket book, while bringing the cooling power of a central system to the masses, however these products aren’t available widespread in the US as of yet.

Conversely, most homes do have heating systems, which is a problem within itself. Every year as coal, diesel, oil and wood are burned in home furnaces, millions of tons of Carbon Dioxide CO2 (which does not burn and is in fact a large percentage by weight of the fuel burnt) enters the earth’s atmosphere not only destroying the ozone layer but creating a greenhouse effect as well. This waste of resources is contributing to global climate change and you’re not only letting it, your paying for it as well. You’re actually paying for the majority of your heat (just like your cooling) to go right out the chimney, again literally.

FACT: The current heating and cooling systems in your home, uses far more energy than any other appliance in the building.

Air conditioners can use up to 1/6th of the electricity generated in the U.S. daily. On the hotter summer days, ACs actually consume over 43% of the United States peak power load and are frequently the cause of super grey or blackouts, often leaving not only entire cities but sometimes entire states or multiple states in the dark with not only no power but no type of cooling what’s so every.

Exactly like what occurred in 2003 in the north east United States. Refer to the below link and Image.

Over 50 million people were left without electricity, and worse, without cooling systems of any kind when a single power plant experienced excessive draws due to air-conditioning overuse, triggering an overload shutdown process in itself starting a domino effect; which caused the shutdown of 265 additional power plants, 22 of which were nuclear. This in turn caused blackouts from New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio up into Canada. Street lights, all phone services including cell phones, TV, radio stations, internet, trolley’s, trains, airports, business, of course electricity, even water couldn’t be pumped to homes; all failed because of the blackout.

Funny outcome to this story though; for the first time since the East had become a major metropolitan area way back in the early 1900’s, residents were “surprised to see thousands of strange bright lights in the sky” (stars). Folks that had never left the city their entire life could, for the first time, see stars, only possible through the lack of light pollution in the region as well as air pollution and smog because the factories and power plants were offline as well.

According to the US Department of Energy, heating and cooling systems emit over a half billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, contributing greatly to what we call for the lack of a better term, Global Warming or now referred to as Climate Change. They also generate about 24% of the nations’ sulfur dioxide, a chief ingredient in acid rain. So it’s no wonder that having an entire region of one of the most densely populated and industrial countries in the world, shut down and offline for a week would clear up the night sky enough to give its inhabitants views of the celestial body’s.

We may laugh at the thought of people having never seen stars before in their life, but the story doesn’t have a great ending…

The blackout occurred on August 14th 2003 and lasted 5 days until August 19th when the last affected areas were back on the grid. Unfortunately because the temperature those days were over 95°F, and because the buildings were never built with natural heating or cooling in mind, in fact many buildings had windows that were designed to not open at all in the first place. This caused heat to build up quickly inside of these structures, turning bedrooms into instant furnaces, literally cooking many to death in their beds. Deaths were not only caused by cooling issues, several reports found deaths caused by fire due to the use of candles for lighting, heart attaches from having to climb several flights of stairs to reach apartments when elevators became non operational and food poisoning from rotten unrefrigerated meat. All of which could have been avoided with a few simple and cheap natural cooling fundamentals, added during the initial construction.

Natural cooling doesn’t need to cost a fortune, it doesn’t require any expensive retrofits or professionally installed systems what’s so ever, in fact, in most instances the consumer can implement natural heating and cooling modifications to their own home and cool or heat their home for free or very inexpensively, while causing less or no impact to the environment as well as their pocket books themselves.

You’re probably wondering now, ‘What exactly is natural heating and cooling anyway?

Natural or Passive heating and cooling methods employ the sun to work both as a heating agent warming your home during the cold months, eliminating the need for extra or traditional indoor heating; and a cooling agent during the warmer months, cooling the home drastically, when the sun is at it’s hottest.

Surprised? Sounds like a contradiction in physics right? Wrong, in fact physics, more specifically, thermal dynamics, is exactly what allows the sun to actually cool your home so much, that the need for additional cooling or air-conditioning isn’t needed at all. But we’ll talk more about that later.

Most folks think that the term ‘passive’ means or relates to solar power. Although some passive heating and cooling systems do and can incorporate direct solar interaction or gain, it’s not necessary to carry out passive or natural cooling and heating with direct sun light. Rather natural cooling and heating focuses more on how the building is designed, the direction it’s facing, its location, the material it’s made with, and the incorporation of indoor and outdoor heating or cooling blocking or reflecting medias and techniques.

Check out the next part of the guide next week.

And don’t forget to pick up a copy Dan Martin’s newest book: Apocalypse, How to Survive a Global Crisis, available in bookstores now.

November 8, 2011 at 8:47 am Leave a comment

Save Money this Summer. Super Ice Cooler for home or camping. Great green alternative.

Because of the status of the economy these days, everyone is trying to find alternative ways to save more money. Nowadays, it’s not considered practical anymore to be living an expensive lifestyle that is hard to maintain. One of the most important things that you can do to prepare your family for the future is to save money. Although it is never the easiest thing to do, it is certainly not impossible.

One of the keys to saving money is to find alternative ways to get by with life. An ice chest or a cooler is one way to substitute your fridge or help so your existing fridge can be set up to a lower setting by using your ice chest on items that you need frequently there for you open your regular fridge less times. Aside from cutting down your electricity bill in half, it also uses free energy so you are helping the environment. There has also been a lot of buzz about the environment lately and we have to do our part in making the planet a healthier place to live in. You also have the option of making your own super cooler or ice chest with the “Super Cooler” guide at The super cooler has three parts: the outer chamber, inner chamber and the insulation. It can keep your drinks cold for about two weeks with just one bag of ice. The supplies needed to build one are just typical tools that can be found in local hardware shops. It is very easy to make and you only need around $30 to do the job. The guide also provides you with complete step by step instructions on how to make your own ice chest.

Perfect for camping or emergencies!!!!

A lot of people have already started using free energy and alternative ways or sources for electrical energy. Aside from being able to save money, you become more self-sufficient and contribute to making the planet we live in greener. Typical electrical appliances can consume a lot of energy and racks up your bills. The more energy you consume, the more coal needs to be burned by coal-fueled power plants which is very harmful to the environment. In this day and age, we need to do everything that we can to prevent more damage to our planet.

May 23, 2011 at 11:26 am Leave a comment

How to Save Money on Gas. Learn Ways to Do your Own Bio-Diesel

Fuel plays one of the most important roles in our day to day lives. If there is one thing that we have come to rely on for our day to day existence, it’s fuel. This abundant need for fuel and its miniscule existence, owing to its sky rocketing prices have made us pause and think of alternatives to gasoline. Though hydrogen fuels and electric cars are talked about as feasible alternatives, they are well ahead in the future, leaving us in the same place we started – an immediate alternative to gasoline.

The insistent search for an alternative fuel ends with the discovery of bio-fuels, a solution that is both feasible and green in the otherwise toxin induced environment. These are fuel made from biologically available ingredients like animal fat and vegetable oils. The ingredients can vary from Soya beans to corn to animal fat based on the type of fuel being produced and the production method employed.

Bio-diesel is one of the major bio-fuels. Bio-diesel is nothing but biological additives to the standard diesel fuel. Here the petroleum is replaced with its biological counter parts like plant oils and animal fat and is subjected to a series of chemical reactions. What best than biological ingredients to produce a non-toxic and renewable fuel? Farming and recycling replenishes the fuel back and we are literally never out of fuel. What is more amazing is the fact that the existing diesel engines almost need no modification to run on bio-diesel.

Bio-diesel is usually produced as a blend with the standard fuel. These blends are represented by the abbreviated Bxx, where xx indicates the percentage of bio-diesel in the blend. For instance a B20 indicates that 20 percent of bio-diesel is mixed with 80 percent standard fuel. B20 is also the most common blend of bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is not something that materialized out of thin air. The American Society for Testing and Materials, the organization that provides industry standards has recognized bio-diesel as a standard. which is all the more reason for its versatility.

Vegetable fuel can also be used as is, without being subjected to the blending mechanism. This is termed as Straight vegetable oil (SVO). But the fact that the viscosity of this is more than the conventional fuel makes it burn less and damage engines. SVO can be used safely with some modifications to the engine. Since bio-diesel incorporates animal fat and vegetable oil you can even make them at home. Visit to learn more about bio-diesels and to know how to make them at home. While at it you can also check out some of their sustainable living guides at

Bio-diesel is one of the first steps towards a greener environment. It’s high time we as the inhabitants of this planet respect the environment we live in and repay nature back for all those years we have been shamelessly consuming it. Let’s give this some thought and help make our planet greener and a better place to live in.

May 1, 2011 at 8:05 pm Leave a comment

Flexible Fuel Vehicles and DIY Ethanol. How to run your car with alternative fuel.

Flexible Fuel Vehicles

Children, during their younger elementary days, have been taught in school that cars pollute the air and cause damage to the environment.  However, as they get older, this information seems to slip their minds and some even get into the hobby of cars.

However, although in general, that information is true, there are actually some cars that do not cause a lot of damage to the environment.  One of these is the FFV or Flexible Fuel Vehicles, also known as dual-fuel vehicle and flex-fuel vehicle.  A flex fuel vehicle is environment friendly and it doesn’t cause much hassle on your part.

Are Flex Fuel Vehicles Expensive?

If you’re thinking that you will be shelling out more money to convert your car into one, think again.  Many cars out there today – yes, most likely even the one you’re driving – is equipped to run on fuel other than just gasoline.  That means that your car may be ready to run as a flex fuel vehicle and you don’t have to go on spending a lot on gasoline and polluting the environment at the same time.

Since the car you are driving is readily equipped to be a fuel flex vehicle, all you have to do is learn how to create ethanol alcohol to enjoy  cheaper and cleaner fuel, which by the way may even extend the life of your vehicle – which in the long run saves you money!

How Do Flex Fuel Vehicles Work?

Flex fuel vehicles should not be confused with bi-fuel vehicles.  Bi-fuel vehicles run on two kinds of fuel, each stored in a different tank and each used one at a time.  Flex fuel vehicles, on the other hand, only has one tank where the fuel mixture is stored.  The blend is being burned or used up by the engine as fuel injection and spark timing are automatically adjusted by engines with flex fuel capabilities.

Flex fuel vehicles run on a fuel blend of gasoline and ethanol.  The most popular one is the E85 flex fuel vehicles, which means 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol.  Although in some countries during winter, the proportion is adjusted to E70 (in America) and E75 (in Sweden).  However, a variation in flex fuel vehicles include the Brazilian flex fuel vehicles which can run from E20 up to E100 (100% hydrous ethanol alcohol) – and is just equipped with a small built-in gasoline reserve tank for starting purposes during days when temperature is below 15 oC.

Why Ethanol?

Ethanol is not a fossil fuel which means it is much cleaner than the usual petrol gasoline.  Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from plants and is biodegradable; which means no harmful effects on the environment, plus it doesn’t increase greenhouse effect.  It also has a high oxygen content which lowers carbon monoxide levels by 25-30%.  And the best thing is: ethanol blends can be used in all petrol (gasoline) engines without modifying it.

DIY Ethanol

Making your own Ethanol is not that hard and can save you hundreds of dollars if done correctly. The price of your fuel can be as little as $1.00 per Gallon.

If you’re fed up with the price hike in gasoline these lasts months, Agua-Luna DIY Ethanol guide is for you. If you have ever made your own beer or wine, the process will then be very familiar, but if you haven’t made beer or wine, don’t worry about it, we will guide you step by step, is very easy!!!!. The real good news is that you may not have to do any mechanical work or changes to your car or truck. It may already be factory ready for E85.

Create a healthier tomorrow for your children and start saving hundreds, start the flex fuel habit today.

March 31, 2011 at 3:36 pm 1 comment

Agua Luna – Build Your Own Solar Cell: Should You or Should You Not?

The sun seems to be the ultimate resource of the planet. Agua Luna Solar Cell provides light for daytime, it is needed by plants for it to grow and bear fruits, animals and other mammals’ bodies generate vitamins and minerals that need the sun to activate it.

However, because of climate change and the thinning of the ozone layer, most people have begun associating the sun with negativity such as skin cancer, heat stroke, sun burns, and the like.  But what people have missed out is that the sun has one more gift to mankind: unlimited (and free) energy.

Find how to Build your own solar cell at on our product section.

How Does the “Agua Luna” Sun Power Things?

Basically, the sun’s energy is capable of powering a really big area, but it needs an instrument for this energy to be converted into electricity.  This is where the Agua Luna solar cell comes in.

The solar cell, also known as a photovoltaic cell functions mainly as a device that absorbs sunlight and converts it into electricity – but it doesn’t get converted just like that, there’s a process involved.

The photons (from the sun’s light) are absorbed into the Agua Luna solar cell by a semiconductor material.  The electrons are then released from its host atom which then allows them to move freely as electricity.  Since a single solar cell can only generate a minimum amount of power, a number of cells are put in a series – just like batteries, so that the power generated becomes bigger.  The electricity from this cells passes through a larger array where it becomes DC (direct current) energy – the same kind of energy you get from batteries.  However, since appliances and other things in a household need AC (alternating current) energy, it is converted into this through a device called a converter.

Are “Agua Luna” Solar Cells Practical?

The answer is: of course, it is.  The solar cell is actually made of silicon – an environment friendly material and totally non-toxic; although today, there are experiments as to other substances that may be used for this kind of concept which might be cheaper and much more practical for the budget of the average Joe.

Plus, because of the social awareness of Agua Luna saving the environment, there are some countries or areas that actually give incentives to people who “go green”.  People who make efforts to take action for the earth’s preservation are actually given consolation.  So for those who have solar cells, if the weather is extremely sunny and hot, you are most likely to have excess energy by nightfall and this excess energy can be sold back to the grid.  And it is usually bought from you for a higher price as an incentive for your efforts to “go green”.

So not only do you save the environment, but you also save money as well.  So if you’re asking if it’s practical, then it definitely is.

Find how to Build your own solar cell at on our product section.

March 22, 2011 at 8:04 pm 2 comments

Save Hundres on Utilities by using the Sun: Solar Water Heater is a Must. Learn How to DIY!!!

All throughout the world, almost 70% of the total energy in residential and industrial communities is used for heating. And since alternative source of energy is constantly being advocated, solar energy has been found useful for water heating by using the principles of natural conductive heat transfer.

Natural conductive heat transfer happens when heat is transferred by the fluids, as it maintains a circulating motion, due to its buoyancy from the change in density induced by heating itself. And in order for this to be applicable for the convention of families and individuals, solar water heaters were developed to suit the needs of every household.

Solar water heater is an economic and environmental system to produce hot water for your convenience. They are very ideal in almost all kinds of climate, and you no longer have to bother refueling it.

Basically, solar water heaters have two types, the active system and the passive system. The active solar water heater mainly depends on the external power that generally run the pumps in order to allow the flow of heat that had been gathered. While passive solar water heaters are much dependable and would costs less per unit of heat it stores. The simplest form of this is the Integral passive solar water heater which is also called as batch heaters. They are very cost – effective due to its ability to become independent from external power which leads to longer use.

The majority of solar water heaters involve a well-insulated storage tank. They (solar storage tanks) have supplementary outlet and inlet connected to the energy collector.

There are three varieties of solar collectors for residential use to choose from that would specifically suit your needs and tastes:

a. Flat-plate collector is an insulated, weatherproofed box which contains a dark plate absorber beneath one or more glass or plastic polymer covers.

b. Integral collector storage system, also known as ICS or batch systems is an insulated, glazed box which features one or more black tanks or tubes.

c. Evacuated-tube solar collector contains rows of parallel transparent glass tubes.

Remember that in choosing the solar heating system to be used in our household, we should always consider the economics and effectiveness of the solar water heater model and system in order that we put more value into every dollar that we invest into it.

You do not have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a solar water heater like the ones on market today,

you can build your own Solar Water Heater good enough for all your home needs or at least lower your gas or electricity consumption using a hybrid system solar-regular water heater.

Check out product pages where you will find the How to Build a Solar Water Heater book containing 3 sets of plans simplifying construction and installation saving you hundreds. Perfect for pools, hot tubes, residential and industrial needs.

April 7, 2010 at 5:37 pm 3 comments

New Book “How to build a Compost Toilet”

When it comes to your needs, everything is provided for by nature.  So giving something back to Mother Nature is just what you should be doing.  But then, what could Mother Nature need from you?  Simple; just take care of the environment, and you will be taken cared of too.

Nowadays, many environment preservation plans have been put into action, including waste management.  The Compost toilet perfectly answers this call.

Also known as “waterless toilets”, “dry toilets” and “biological toilets”, the composting toilet is actually a toilet with the main goal of breaking down human waste into humus, a substance that resembles soil, rather than flushing it down the sewer system where

vast amounts of chemicals and water are used to do what nature does naturally.

Today, compost toilets are popularly used in RV’s (Recreation Vehicles), boats, cabins, hunting lodges and even suburban homes.  While some go for the commercially manufactured ones, others prefer to make their own which is less expensive and in most cases, more functional than the store-bought ones. NOW brings you the secrets on how to build your own affordable Compost Toilet . Find it in our Product section!!!

March 24, 2010 at 8:12 pm Leave a comment

Unique 160ac 100% self sufficient homestead up for auction on eBay

Agua-Luna has a very unique auction on eBay of an interesting Eco home/homestead, that was built to allow the owners to sustain the “fall of civilization in 2012” or at the very least live without bills.

It has its own hydroponic gardens and manages livestock for food, rain water harvesting and purification system for water and, solar panels and wind turbines for electricity. Because of this it is entirely off the power grids and the owner doesn’t pay any utility bills. On top of this it’s built entirely out of recyclable and reclaimed materials.

I’m posting here to show people about this place, put it out there and get more people thinking Eco orientated and on renewable energy. Because you always hear on the news that this sort of thing is impossible or impractical, yet here it is.

Their place can be seen on their website or the ebay auction is:

March 16, 2010 at 10:20 am 3 comments

How to make a solar panel power electricity system for less than $150 dlls. Solar Home design research.

Agua Luna brings to you a NEW BOOK.

The wonderful world of Photovoltaic’s, otherwise known as solar power, doesn’t have to be restricted to the rich. You can build a simple solar panel power set-up that can run all the lights in your home, a TV, stereo, computer, or similar electrical device. All you need is 1 solar panel, 1 battery, 110 volt inverter and a set of car jumper cables.  All the parts for no more than 150 dlls.

You can now run electricity your laptop, Blackberry, Ipod, Iphone or any other electronic, wherever you are. You can even run any 12v appliances. Take them camping, to the beach or as a solar home design and you’ll never be far from a plug again.

This is a simple solar battery power system to run some basic electronics that anyone can put together. However if you’re looking for a more complex system, or to learn how to make your own solar cells and panels, check out Agua-Luna’s Free Energy DIY plans to build Solar Cells.

March 10, 2010 at 2:39 pm 4 comments

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